Monday, December 24, 2007

Viral Videos, Web 2.0, and Strategies for E-Learning

You're probably familiar with some of the most widely disseminated viral videos -- Chris Crocker, Diet Coke and Mentos, Apartment Guy, ... all » "Don't Taze Me!" -- the list goes on and on. Viral videos become a part of the social "conversation" and as such, they interplay with current events, news, and the types of mythos that make it into the collective unconscious.

Because of the way they are produced, distributed, and hosted, they are definitely a part of the great "Web 2.0" world.

E-learning that incorporates the file sharing, networking, and communication of Web 2.0 can use viral videos to great advantage. This video, guided by Susan Smith Nash, explores some ways to accomplish this.

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