Monday, June 16, 2008

Using Django for Website Development

Ayman Hourieh's book, published by Packt Publishing, is a convenient way to get started developing websites using Django. This book's major virtue is that it provides guidelines to the full process of developing a website with Django. It moves from getting started to actually starting to construct and deploy the framework. Thus, the project-oriented approach is extremely effective. This book is a welcome addition to open-source software resources, and allows users to increase the power and functionality of all solutions.

Django is a framework for Python, a programming language that many consider to be one of the best general purpose languages for developing web applications. Python has a clean and elegant language, but also a huge library of modules and components. It's a stable language, which is appealing to programmers. Further, it works on many web servers, including UNIX/Linux, Windows, Mac. Python is free.

As a framework for Python, Django makes a clean, powerful language even sweeter. While the framework works well as a content manager, especially since it was originally created to manage newsgroups and news-oriented websites, Django also accommodates deadling-driven environments.

The book is very clear. It starts with the basic information one would need to get started (Python, a server, and a database system such as MySQL, Oracle, etc.). It then proceeds with examples, such as a step-by-step description of how to create a social bookmarking application. Django is Web 2.0-friendly, and accommodates tags. It can also be integrated with AJAX, although many would recommend against it since Asynchronous Javascript & XML (AJAX) sounds a lot more useable than it really is.

Learning Website Development with Django

The book emphasizes that with Django, one can create templates, and there is an emphasis on reusability. The problem with the book, though, is that it does not include a link to downloadable templates or code.Thus, the deployment of the solutions is a bit limited.

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