Friday, May 16, 2014

Interview with Don Sevcik, MathCelebrity - Innovators in E-Learning Series

One of the biggest challenges in online math education is being able to show the students how to go through the process of working problems and equations. One solution has been developed by an automated math tutoring website, MathCelebrity. Welcome to an interview with Don Sevcik, president of MathCelebrity.

1.  What is your name and your relationship to elearning? 
My name is Don Sevcik and I am President of MathCelebrity.

2.   What is MathCelebrity?  How does it work?
MathCelebrity is a free automated online math tutoring website.  You enter a math problem or search term, press the button, and every single line of work appears in less than one second which shows you how to solve the problem.

Click image to enlarge.

3.  Who is the site targeted for? Age groups? Types of math?
We cover Kindergarten through College.  We have 27 subjects and over 430 calculators.  We have been around for 7 years so the website has a vast array of curriculum coverage.  We build more features each week.

Click image to enlarge. 

4.  What do you think is the best way to teach applied math that asks people to solve real-life problems?
I'm big on empirical evidence and heuristics.  Real life math problems need real life explanations as well as problems that have been solved in the past which utilize a similar solution.

Click image to enlarge. 

5.  How do you help people get over a fear of math? 
I try to lay out a detailed, easy to follow, step by step solution on the website.  With personal tutoring, I try to leverage real world examples that make sense.

Click image to enlarge. 

6.  What are your plans for the future?  How would you best take math games / tutoring into the "wild"? 
My future plans are to continue build more lessons, as well as expanding on science.  We also have a programming blog.  Many of our fans have expressed interest in programming, and I think STEM fields are a great thing to learn early.  That is what our fans respond to, so that is what I will continue to offer.

Click image to enlarge. 

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