Friday, November 19, 2021

Interview with Edward Cavazos, LingoLet -- Technology Innovations in E-Learning Series

Artificial intelligence is transforming many aspects of elearning as edge computing, cloud access, and speed dramatically improve. Welcome to an interview with Edward Cavazos, LingoLet, and learn how real-time translation and remote simultaneous interpretation are expanding capabilities in elearning and training. 

What is your name and your background? 

Edward Cavazos, VP Sales Operations

32 years within the language industry, focused on technology delivery platforms for communication in spoken language, Sign Language, content creation, multilingual staffing, supporting e-learning companies with translations, interpreters, translators, instructors, monitors, and facilitators.

Edward Cavazos

What is your history with artificial intelligence?

It is only over the last 5 years AI has evolved to be called intelligence and today seen as Artificial Intelligence. The Ai has evolved from speech to text, text to speech, AI transcription of documents, AI of audio files, AI interpreter a two-way communication of one spoken language to another transcribed or spoken. AI is used today in events where attendees in a language or multiple languages can access their language video channel and see the spoken word texted in their language.

What is your experience with elearning platforms? 

Our involvement is to partner and engage with elearning companies who have platform where we provide the necessary language resources and capabilities needed for the project.

How is AI used in e-learning now?  what are the advantages?

AI is not for all projects, but where the training may be general and where the communication is at 93% as acceptable then it can be of value to the client and to those embracing AI to deliver the information in language. 

The advantage is cost savings and the turnaround time of having what is needed in place when there is a short window to complete the project, or where no interpreter(s) are available to support the project.

What do you think will happen in the short and medium-term in e-learning, especially as it relates to AI?

Here is what my crystal ball states. Embrace it, learn what exist, and see how it can be part of the solution for your client and potential clients. Enterprise organization want to work with companies who lead with technology and support with human components as needed. Business is changing and those in the elearning or any business working with organizations needs to educate themselves on AI technology as a solution.

What is Lingolet? 

We are a technology software company focused in the language industry supporting companies needing technology to deliver, communicate, and to access language communication for their markets, clients, customers. Where technology is the vehicle that drives the services needed to meet client’s communication needs in language.

How does LingoLet work, and how does it relate to elearning? 

Lingolet developed the AI features not to replace linguists, interpreters, translators, they will ALWAYS be needed. Lingolet made a decision to lead the way by giving companies options of using and integrating AI technology as part of their immediate communication needs, to become  more efficient and responsive, streamlining process, versus waiting for a human(s) to facilitate the communication to move things forward

How does this relate to elearning? 

In the traditional way, we still provide the human resources needed to support the project, provide the translation of content, provide linguist via the web or in person. 

In the Artificial Intelligence way, I’m not sure if elearning companies are ready to embrace and present this as part of the capabilities?  Let’s give the audience and opportunity to speak to this question.

Please recommend a book or two. 

Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim – Renee Mauborgne

You, Inc. by Burke Hedges “Discover the CEO within you.

Please visit the E-Learn Chat interview with Ed Cavazos here:

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