Let’s take a look at what a mashup is. A mashup combines web applications so that several can be integrated and viewed at the same time. Typical mashups import data that somehow relates to each other. For example, Frappr.com allows you to see where the visitors to your site are coming from. In certain ways, it is no different than the web traffic statistics you already get, but Frappr goes a bit further by providing actual graphics and information drawn from the various social networking sites.

Cautionary Note about Mashups: The quality is only as good as the quality of the information you’re incorporating. Case in point: mibazaar.com’s mashup of the highest paid college presidents. The information is dated – there are now $1 million college presidents – Union College in Schenectady, NY is one, RPI in Troy, NY is another.
Are mashups truly useful? Or, do they simply create “fun facts”?
E-learning Uses of mashups:
1---Increase participation and interaction with your social networking spaces
2---Create interesting interactive activities as a project
3---Excellent display for presentations for school or work
4---Quality control of information, sharing methods, etc.
Getting Started: Easy-to-Use Sites that Allow you to Combine Feeds:
Google Personalize Homepage: http://www.google.com (click on iGoogle)
Add a gadget for the google reader – this will allow you to get the feeds you want and need and to see them in a single place. You may choose from the menu on iGoogle, or add your own. http://www.google.com/ig
Netvibes: http://www.netvibes.com/
MyYahoo: http://my.yahoo.com/
MyEarthlink: http://my.earthlink.net
Mashups that Combine Maps and Social Networking
Frappr: http://www.frappr.com
Mashups with Audio Books
Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org
Librivox: http://librivox.org/
Learning Portal: http://www.learningportal.com
Mashups with Podcasts:
Smithsonian Institute Podcasts: http://www.si.edu/podcasts/default.htm
The Smithsonian Institute's Folkways project provides content for mashups:

Maps Mashups:
Schmapplets: http://www.schmapplets.com/
Free map mashup application
Outstanding maps mashups: http://www.mibazaar.com/
Word of caution – be aware of the source of the data. Some data is flawed, resulting in a flawed mashup.
Flickr Mashups:
AlphaLearnr: http://www.rapidmonkey.com/alphalearnr/
Helps children learn the English alphabet via Flickr photos.
Science and Data Mashups
Chemistry Quiz:
Chemistry quiz that uses strikeiron
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