Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Favorite FeedReaders

This list is not inclusive by any means. However, one of the keys to being able to take advantage of E-Learning 2.0 and Web 2.0 is to be able to process and evaluate significant amounts of information in a way that you can then use. While one might automatically I'm referring to web applications, the truth is, the integration of information is much more flexible than that, and the way that information can be used, particularly in an experimentation-friendly learning management system, such as haiku or moodle, is still an open book.

Google Reader:

Very nice, web-based reader / aggregator. The presentation is very clean. I like it a lot.


I’ve been using bloglines for several years now, and it has never let me down. It’s great. Very simple to use, straightforward, and basically a huge stress-reliever. All your information is at your fingertips – RSS, RSS 2.0, Atom, etc. are all accommodated.


Netvibes is a multi-lingual Ajax-based personalized start page. It is organized into tabs, with each tab containing user-defined modules.


Simple, clean design, with an easy-to-use interface. It integrates with other services as well. Guess it got killed, though. Figures. Just signed up, learned the interface, then read the following words: “we’re pulling the plug on Newshutch.” Grrr.


What? You have to download it? Perish the thought.

Feed Demon:

It’s $29.95 and you have to download and install it, too. What happened to “free” (even if the free version is limited)?

Feed Ghost:

Free “lite” version, robust version is $20. This seems fair to me. Lots of features.


Juice is free. Juice is good. Juice’s main function is to manage podcasts.

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